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- History
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- v3.50 (Thursday 03-Jul-97)
- -3d-engine: *up to four lightsources can be configured now
- *the camY-value is now used with the opposite (and right) sign
- -Processor: the smoothing-option can now be controlled by using
- one of the modes OFF, LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH
- -ColorCube-PlugIn: the values into y-direction where swapped to
- fit the 3d-coordinate-system
- v3.51 (Saturday 05-Jul-97)
- -3d-engine: *render-time reduced to 75% (only in light-mode - but who needs
- "flat" images)
- v3.52 (Saturday 05-Jul-97)
- -Processor: Import-function rewritten and improved:
- *the imported lines are inserted which is much
- more useful than appending
- *variables are imported, too
- *variables with duplicate names are renamed
- -Variables: the Envelope-gadget was not enabled, if the expression
- of a variable was cleared - fixed
- v3.53 (Saturday 05-Jul-97)
- -Shortcuts-Window updated and it's layout improved
- -Player-Window improved: *Screenmode-option
- *24Bit-Option (drgb, gray etc.)
- *layout improved
- -Main: *the initial screen-mode is set to "Workbench" which may be useful
- for gfx-board-owners
- *new commandline-option: noPrefs
- v3.54 (Sunday 06-Jul-97)
- -GSImport-PlugIn
- v3.55 (Sunday 06-Jul-97)
- -RenderInfo-Window: *additonal Close-Button
- *resize and refresh didn't work - fixed
- -Converter: output=PICTURES: shift-parameter was ignored - fixed
- -Main: fileType-recognition-routine improved and rewritten
- -ShiftLines-PlugIn: a width or height of 1 caused the program
- to crash heavily - fixed
- -ARexx-Port and documentation updated
- -Makefile: because of a missing dependency-line the AutoCrop-PlugIn
- was not updated correctly - fixed
- v3.56 (Monday 07-Jul-97)
- -PPM-Saver (loader and saver for PPM-, PGM- and PBM-files in RAW-
- or ASCII-format)
- v3.57 (Monday 07-Jul-97)
- -Converter: YAFA-Saver: 15/24Bit support
- v3.58 (Wednesday 09-Jul-97)
- -PCParameter-Window (extended "number-gadget" for PlugIns):
- *contains a scrollbar, a calculator-gadget, a "Var"-gadget
- and min/max-(calculator-)gadgets to adjust the scroll-range
- *support for automatic range-checking
- *support for both integer and real numbers
- *all PlugIns will contain such nice gadgets in the future
- *this will result in a higher flexibility and smaller executables
- v3.59 (Thursday 10-Jul-97)
- -PCParameter-support for the following PlugIns:
- Scale, Crop, Compose, Balancing, Displace, Rotate, ShiftLines,
- ColorToGray, CreateImage, Pixelize
- v3.60 (Friday 11-Jul-97)
- -new Demo-Version: instead of consuming lots of memory a small Logo is
- applied to each image which was touched by
- the Processor
- v3.61 (Saturday 12-Jul-97)
- -PCParameter-support for the following PlugIns:
- Convolve, Twirl, Alpha, Bump, Text, BlackHole, MotionBlur,
- RotateBlur, Wave, Plasma
- v3.62 (Saturday 12-Jul-97)
- -PCParameter-support for the following PlugIns:
- Magnet, MedianFilter, OilTransfer, Cartesian2Polar, Roll,
- Posterise, Noise, Threshold, Shear, Neon
- v3.63 (Sunday 13-Jul-97)
- -Processor: Visual-Frame (realtime-(wireframe-)previews for several PlugIns)
- v3.64 (Monday 14-Jul-97)
- -PCParameter-support for the following PlugIns:
- DLA, Bump3D, Cube, LWOB, Magnet3D, Sphere,
- Transform3D, Twirl3D, PCTwist, Water
- v3.65 (Monday 14-Jul-97)
- -PCParameter-support for the following PlugIns:
- Wave3D, SetBackground, Wrap, ZPlot, ColorCube, SetColor
- DataPlot, ParPlot, Morph, Genlock3D
- v3.66 (Monday 14-Jul-97)
- -PCParameter-support for the following PlugIns:
- Axis3D, GSImport
- -PCParameter-support for the PCRender-Window
- v3.67 (Monday 14-Jul-97)
- -Visual-Frame for the following PlugIns:
- Twirl, Rotate
- -*cool* Visual-Frame for the PCRender-Window
- v3.68 (Monday 14-Jul-97)
- -Processor: *15/24Bit support
- *all 15/24Bit-Display-methods of the Player
- implemented (Thanx, Michael !)
- -PCSinglePicture-Window: the frame-scrollbar is now updated in realtime,
- this makes it possible to "trace" envelopes
- (using the Visual-Frame of the desired PlugIn)
- -Visual-Frame: *display-speed improved
- *clipping
- v3.69 (Wednesday 16-Jul-97)
- -Visual-Frame for the following PlugIns:
- Crop, Magnet, BlackHole, Cartesian2Polar
- -Cartesian2Polar-PlugIn: *r0 and phi0 where treated incorrect (due
- some missing brackets) - fixed
- *both parameters where not adjusted generating
- previews - fixed
- v3.70 (Thursday 17-Jul-97)
- -Visual-Frame: in some cases the grid was not updated after changing
- the image-dimensions - fixed
- -Visual-Frame for the following PlugIns:
- MotionBlur, Water
- -some serious Converter-bugs removed (don't ask)
- v3.71 (Friday 18-Jul-97)
- -Visual-Frame for the following PlugIns:
- Wrap, Wave, Shear, Wave3D, RotateBlur
- v3.72 (Friday 18-Jul-97)
- -Visual-Frame for the following PlugIns:
- Sphere, Twirl3D, Twist, Magnet3D, Transform3D
- v3.73 (Friday 18-Jul-97)
- -PCParameter-Window: *update the scroll-bar if an entered value
- exceeds the (dynamic) range
- *disable the min/max-gadgets if the range is static
- -Wave-PlugIn: the phase-parameter was not converted into radians - fixed
- -(nice) Visual-Frame for the Cube-PlugIn
- -3d-engine: misterious "black-faces-bug" detected and removed:
- Because the shader was *not* initialized in mode "light=NORMAL"
- all faces with phong-intensity where rendered using "random"
- intensity (e.g. black)
- v3.74 (Sunday 20-Jul-97)
- -Demo-version: the Converter works only in combination with the
- Processor (to assure that the Logo appears in all cases)
- -Converter:
- *some (serious) initialization-bugs (introduced together with with
- the new 15/24bit-features) fixed
- *15/24Bit-Preview (using Michael's (updated) Player-code)
- *due some "optimizations" frames with a "special" width where
- sometimes trashed - fixed
- *picture-output: *24 bit-images caused the program to crash (because
- they where written as rendered ILBM) - fixed
- *15 bit images are ignored (because there is no
- saver available yet)
- -Documentation updated (especially the FAQ-section)
- v3.75 (Tuesday 22-Jul-97)
- -3d-engine: render-speed slightly improved (render-time reduced to 96%)
- -PCParameter-Window: the value-gadget was not refreshed after entering
- a value - fixed
- -JPEG-Loader: identify-function improved
- -PCSinglePicture-Window: apply-dimensions-function improved to handle
- also non-iff files
- v3.76 (Thursday 24-Jul-97)
- -Online-help: PlugIns are supported directly, i.e. after pressing <Help>
- from within a PlugIn-window the PlugIn-page
- is shown instead of the Processor-main-page
- -Processor: global "apply-dimensions"-function which affects both
- the animation-parameters and the Visual-Frame,
- the global shortkey is <.> (dot)
- v3.77 (Saturday 26-Jul-97)
- -LineArt-PlugIn (fast, no simple convolve application)
- -PNG-Saver: the whole module was corrupted because some
- GCC-incompatibilities (2.7.0->2.7.2) - fixed
- v3.78 (Saturday 26-Jul-97)
- -EdgeDetect-PlugIn (relatively slow (?), no simple convolve application)
- -ADProGIF-Saver (for internal use only)
- v3.79 (Sunday 27-Jul-97)
- -RIP-PlugIn ("remove isolated pixels")
- -ImageCoordinates-Window: additional rgb-information (control=POINT)
- -Neon-PlugIn: Some parameters couldn't be accessed because of
- wrong gadget-types - fixed
- v3.80 (Sunday 27-Jul-97)
- -Documentation updated
- -Neon: PlugIn: tolerance-handling improved
- -Main: the checkForCrack-procedure simply quits the program instead
- of destroying things
- -ImageCoordinates-Window: support for exchanging control-parameters
- with PlugIns
- v3.81 (Monday 28-Jul-97)
- -ColorRegion-PlugIn
- v3.82 (Monday 28-Jul-97)
- -ADProGIF-Saver: new options: Depth, Dither and (un)locked palette
- -Documentation updated
- -ImageCoordinates-support for the following PlugIns:
- ColorRegion, RotateBlur, Rotate, Twirl, BlackHole, Magnet, Crop
- v3.83 (Tuesday 29-Jul-97)
- -Balancing-PlugIn: *addional saturation-option
- *some optimzations
- -Cube- and Sphere-PlugIn: calculate a new ("good") size after
- calling the "Apply dimensions"-function
- -Visual-Frame: the "misterious memory leak" detected and removed
- -Patch-PlugIn (general PlugIn)
- v3.84 (Wednesday 30-Jul-97)
- -Circle-PlugIn
- -Rectangle-PlugIn
- v3.85 (Friday 01-Aug-97)
- -BGradient-PlugIn
- v3.86 (Saturday 02-Aug-97)
- -ImageCoordinates-Window: the "Apply"-function can be accessed
- from both the Preview- and the ImageCoordinates-
- window by pressing <a>
- -Balancing-PlugIn: saturation range changed from -100...100 to -255...255
- -Processor: the size of the Preview (Visual-Frame) is saved and loaded
- to/from process-scripts
- -GSImport-PlugIn: check if the input-files exists before invoking gs
- (gs may crash if the file is not found)
- -TMaker: single-picture-mode didn't work correctly - fixed
- v3.87 (Sunday 03-Aug-97)
- -TileBrick-PlugIn
- -Visual Frame: *advanced clipping (to avoid crashes at "strange" 3d-settings)
- *memory-handling improved again
- -Documentation updated
- v3.88 (Wednesday 06-Aug-97)
- -Wind-PlugIn
- -Visual Frame: *allow even extreme image-dimensions like 1x1
- *memory-handling finally improved
- -Circle-PlugIn: memory-bug fixed
- v3.89 (Friday 08-Aug-97)
- -Axis3D-PlugIn: *GUI optimized
- *Visual Frame
- v3.90 (Sunday 10-Aug-97)
- -Demo-Version: TMaker: *CreateExamples-Function works now
- *Convert-Function enabled
- -Main: additional "np"-switch (the same as "noPlugIns")
- -Documentation: *updated
- *started to create example-animations and -scripts
- (similar to the supplied single images)
- -------- last Shareware Version --------
- v3.91 (Monday 11-Aug-97)
- -Cube-PlugIn: orientation of some faces changed (to improve quality)
- -Wind-PlugIn: the load- and save-function were incomplete - fixed
- -3D-engine: started to rewrite the core
- v3.92 (Thursday 14-Aug-97)
- -3D-engine: whole core rewritten:
- *major speed improvement
- (in some cases the render-time reduces to less than 50% !!!)
- *minor quality improvement
- *separate functions for double-sided polygons which will
- be improved later (the quality isn't very good yet)
- *because of lots of optimizations the code size
- has enlarged drastically (22 MB are required to compile
- the module)